Drew Zahasky
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Stairway to Heaven
As seen in this image, an effect known as the “infinite reflection” or “ mirror tunnel effect” occurs when two mirrors face toward one another. This happens because of how the light bounces between the mirrors. As the light hits a mirror, according to the law of reflection, which says that the angle of incidence (the angle at which the light hits the mirror) is equal to the angle of reflection (the angle at which the light bounces off the mirror). This means that the reflection created will essentially create an image of the object in the mirror. However, when you place two mirrors in front of each other, the reflection will happen seemingly infinitely. This is how we get the chain of reflection seen in the image. It is not technically infinite because some of the light is lost in each reflection. In this photo, one of the mirror's angles is slightly tilted, which causes an effect called the “altered infinite reflection”. Like it sounds the effect changes the angle of the reflected image. The light will still bounce back and forth but the pattern is now disrupted. The reflections will continue to change and create the tilted sequence shown in the image.